Year 2 - Home Learning
Year 2 - Home Learning 08.07.2020
Good afternoon
Please see below the home learning for tomorrow. I hope you enjoy the day.
Miss Blick
Subject Area |
Time Allocated |
Instructions |
Mental Maths |
15 mins |
Practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables on hit the button: You could also practice your recall of number bonds and doubles/halves. Becoming fluent in these areas really does support our maths learning.
Maths |
45 mins |
L.O: To tell the time to the nearest 5 minutes. Today I would like to make your own clock. You can use the attached template, or create your own. By including the labels (either as labels or writing them on your clock), it will help you when reading the time. Spend some time practising telling the time to the nearest 5 minutes or get an adult to tell you different times to make.
Spelling |
15 mins |
Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed. Continue to work through the year 2 common exception words. Make a note of the ones you find tricky to spell and practise these.
Reading |
15 mins |
Read a book you are familiar with. Focus on expression and reading fluency.
Writing |
30 mins |
L.O: To write your own spell. Today you will be using your ideas from yesterday to create your own spell. (I have attached a cauldron writing template that you may wish to use). Writing a spell or recipe is a great opportunity to include different suffixes: ‘A dash of happiness’ ‘The largest spider you can find’ ‘A star brighter than the moon’ ‘A colourful rainbow’ ‘Gently mix it all together’
Music |
30 mins |
Today we will be learning about structure and texture. Please see attached PowerPoint. The links for structure are: Here are the texture links: |
PE |
30 mins |
Continue with our Sports Day activities for the week. I hope you are enjoying them so far :-)