Year 2 - Home Learning
Year 2 - Home Learning 20.07.2020
Hello all
I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Here is your home learning for tomorrow. Only three days to go - you can do this!
Have a good day.
Best wishes
Miss Blick
Subject Area |
Time Allocated |
Instructions |
Mental Maths |
15 mins |
Practise your 2, 5 and 10 times tables on hit the button: You could also practice your recall of number bonds to 20 and doubles/halves. Becoming fluent in these areas really does support our maths learning.
Maths |
45 mins |
L.O: To problem solve. For today’s lesson I have set an open ended problem solving task to do with adding amounts of money. There are many different ways to solve this problem – how many can you find?
Spelling |
15 mins |
Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed. Continue to work through the year 2 common exception words. Make a note of the ones you find tricky to spell and practise these.
Reading |
15 mins |
Read your reading book out loud. Tell someone at home what happened in the story, making sure it is sequenced in the right order.
Writing |
30 mins |
L.O: To create an ‘All About Me’ booklet or poster. This week you will be creating a booklet or poster all about yourself. You will then bring this in on the first day back in September to show Mr Wilcox. You can present this in any way you like. I have attached a booklet and template for you to help with ideas for what to include, and to use if you wish. You have the remaining 3 days of home learning to complete this, so take your time to gather your ideas and then present neatly.
Geography |
1 hour |
L.O: To explore Rwanda. Can you name all of the continents we have been learning about? If not, listen to the continents song! We will spend the next few weeks learning about Rwanda and then compare to Brockenhurst. See the attached activity sheet for today’s activity.