Year 2

Year 2 - 25.09.2020
We have reached the end of another great week in year 2. We ended the week with some children completing their first sticker chart, which was very exciting! Spelling Shed and Mathletics homework was set Wednesday and login details can be found in your child’s reading record. All children have been issued their reading books. Most children in year 2 will have come home with a two books – a book band book and a phonics book. We will next be changing books on Tuesday. The children will also choose a book from the library next Tuesday, which can be changed on a weekly basis.
In maths this week we have been focussing on comparing numbers up to 100. We have used our knowledge of place value and tens and ones to help organise our numbers and compare accurately. I am really pleased with the mathematical language that is being used in class when the children explain their reasoning.
In English we have explored writing in the past tense and we have started to plan our own story, using the same structure as Blue Penguin. The children have created a story map with all of their ideas and will be writing them next week.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Miss Blick