Year 2

Year 2 - 20.11.2020
This week in English we have planned and written our own diary entries. Year 2 have worked hard to include adverbs, conjunctions and expanded noun phrases. We have also used a success criteria to help us when reading our work back. We checked that it was written in the past tense and used our phonics knowledge when editing spellings. We will be publishing part of our diary entries on Monday.
In maths we have be learning about adding tens to a two digit number. Our knowledge of counting in 10s helped us greatly with this. We were able to explain that when adding or subtracting tens, our ones stayed the same and the tens either increased or decreased. We have used dienes to support our learning and to prove how we have solved a problem. Next week we will continue with adding and subtracting.
This half term in PE we are doing gymnastics. The children (and adults!) are really enjoying this and I just wanted to take this opportunity to say how very proud I am of all of your children. The children have been working creatively and safely, making sure they listen carefully and keep themselves and others safe. Great work year 2.
We also had great fun this week acting out the Christmas story outside. The sun was shining and all children enjoyed playing their own part.
Thank you very much for all of the shoe boxes we ahve recieved so far :-)
I hope you all enjoy the weekend.
Miss Blick