Year 2
Year 2 - 12.03.2021
Welcome back everybody! It has been lovely to have you all back in class and finally have year 2 reunited! Some children felt a little nervous at the start of the week, but before long they all had smiles on their faces and were ready to embrace our school routine again. We ended the week by reflecting on how our first week back together had been, discussing how our feelings have changed throughout the week and looking forward to next week.
In English this week we have continued with our ‘True Story of the Three Little Pigs’ writing journey. The children have done a great job with planning and writing their own newspaper reports to share the news that the wolf is not all bad! In maths this week we have recapped multiplication as a class and used our knowledge to problem solve. The children have all put lots of effort into their learning – we are very proud of them.
Our other highlights this week have been using our senses and exploring signs of Spring, experimenting with water colours and finishing the week with an RE day. Our RE day included lots of different activities including discussion, drama and art which the children thoroughly enjoyed.
Book change:
Book change days will be Tuesday and Thursday (previously Friday). Please do continue to read daily at home and discuss what is happening in the books they read. If n your child has read their book once, they can re-read it which helps to develop fluency and understanding of the text. We would be grateful if you could record in your child’s reading diary when they have read their school reading books.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Miss Blick