Yr 2 - 21st January 2022
Please enter an introduction for your blog post here.
Round up of the week
This week we have been focusing on expanded noun phrases when describing the different pictures from Samson’s Journey on the Titanic. We have also been attempting to include an adverb into our sentences to add further detail to the verb.
We have continued to look at fractions this week and in particular quarters. We have also looked at days of the week and months of the year including how many days are in each. We learned the phrase “30 days has September, April, June and November ….” The children have been able to join in with this phrase.
Student teacher
We have been lucky to secure a student teacher for this term to teach and assist our children in their learning. Her name is Miss Rossignol. She is already proved to be an instant hit with the children and a great asset for the class.
If you have any questions please do come and see me.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Mrs Hudson