Year 2

Friday 27th May 2022
As the children have reminded me lots today "It's half term!"
This week we have written our own stories in the same style as the Lighthouse Keepers Lunch as well as practising our multiplying and dividing skills. We have also made felt flowers in art which look beautiful - the children are very excited to bring them home after the holidays. We have also looked at the results of our germ experiment and realised how important it is to wash our hands properly!
Penguins, I know you are all a little bit tried but well done on an absolutely fantastic half term. You have all worked so hard and I am incredibly proud of all of you. I also wanted to say a big thank you to all of you for making this half term so much fun - I have absolutely loved teaching you and cannot wait for the second part of the summer term.
Have a fantastic holiday whatever you get up to and I am looking forward to hearing all about your adventures when we return to school.
Miss Michael :)