Year 2

Friday 9th September 2022
Penguins have made a fantastic start to the new school year. They have transitioned into Year 2 incredibly well and picked up lots of new routines super speedily!
Penguins have also worked hard all week with us starting our new English unit based on Little Red Riding Hood as well as practising writing our numbers to 100 in numbers and words and ordering numbers too. We have also written our aspirations for Year 2, decorated bookmarks and drawn self portraits.
A Few Admin Bits:
I think most PE kits have made it back to school already but if you still have one at home please could it come in on Monday.
Secondly, this year we will be doing Forest School at various points throughout the year. Our aim is for Forest School to go ahead in all weathers therefore as soon as possible please could you send welly boots (and if you have them waterproof trousers) into school. It would be amazing if these could remain in school.
And finally, we would like to be outside for playtime and lots of lessons too however, we seem to be getting quite a bit of rain at the moment therefore please could I ask that the children all have a coat in school every day! I don’t want to send them home soaked!
Thank you very much for your help with the above and if you have any questions about anything then please do not hesitate to drop me an email or catch me at the end of the day and I will try and help.
My email address is:
Have a lovely weekend and I can’t wait to see everyone next week!
Miss Michael