Year 2

Friday 16th September 2022
Penguin class have been superstars all week and worked their socks off!
In English, we have continued exploring Little Red Riding Hood with the children writing a note to the police describing what Little Red Riding Hood looks like and creating their own Wolf Wanted posters. Their character descriptions were amazing! I am very proud of all of them!
In maths, we have been working hard to secure our place value skills focusing on tens and ones. In science, we have been exploring how we know if things are dead or alive and in geography we have been recapping the continents and studying Antarctic in a bit more detail.
Some of the children have also enjoyed their first forest school session which they absolutely loved. Thank you so much to everyone for sending in forest school gear super speedily - it makes being outside in the rain possible too! Also just in case any of your children have mentioned they are not doing forest school we have split the class in half for these session with half completing the sessions this term and the rest after the October break. They will all get to do it though!
On another note on Wednesday we sent home the children’s reading journals, reading books and maths fluency cards. If it was possible to hear your child read every day and practice the maths fluency card that would be amazing. It really does make a huge difference!
Also thank you very much to everyone who has volunteered to come in and hear children read. If you would like to come in let me know at the end of the day or drop me an email. No pressure though - I know you are all incredibly busy!
And to finish I must say a huge thank you for all your ongoing support with your child’s learning. It has been lovely to chat to some of you at the end of the day and I look forward to getting to know you all as the year progresses.
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you next week!
Miss Michael :)