Year 2

Friday 3rd February 2023
The slightly warmer weather and not having ice everywhere has been lovely this week!
It has been another busy week in Penguin class. In maths we have been revising our knowledge of 2D and 3D shapes and learning about edges, faces and vertices too. Penguins determination to fully understand this has been fantastic with them being extremely resilient.
In English we have been learning about adding the suffixes ‘er’ and ‘est’ to words and possessive apostrophe with this new knowledge being applied to our current text Lila and the Secret of Rain. We have also continued practising our dance moves in PE and have been exploring Shiva in RE.
One of Penguins favourite activities from the week was creating some Heart Art to go to Woodpeckers nursing home. The children collaged a heart shaped template and then stuck the people and things they love in the middle - their ideas were really lovely and very caring.
This week we have also learnt a new clap so Penguins give yourselves a big hip hip hurrah for a super weeks work! Have a lovely weekend and I will see you next week!
Miss Michael :)