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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 2

Friday 10th March 2023

This week the weather has caused a huge amount of discussion in Penguin class. The children are not a fan of the rain when it causes wet play and were very cross we didn’t get a snow day when other parts of the country did! 

Aside from our weather chats, in English this week we have written and published our newspaper reports based on the True Story of the 3 Little Pigs. Reading these has made me chuckle and it has been brilliant to see the children’s personalities shine through in their reports! 

In guided reading, we have been exploring Prince Cinders which is an alternative version of Cinderella.The children have had some brilliant discussions about the book and I think they prefer this version.

In maths, we have been learning about tally charts and pictograms - the children have collected data on their favourite foods to help them with this - chicken nuggets topped the tally chart!

In science, we have designed a rain coat for a cuddly toy thinking about what materials we are going to use for each part of the coat and why. In our next science lesson we will be testing our chosen materials. 

I also want to give Penguins a huge round of claws as this week we have been focusing on improving our handwriting and increasing the standard of presentation across all our books and throughout they have been amazing at taking on board feedback and implementing it. This is something we are going to continue to work on over the next few weeks so if any opportunities come up to practice handwriting at home please could Penguins do this! I would love to see their super handwriting too even it’s the shopping list!  

Have a lovely weekend and I will see you next week! 

Miss Michael :)