Year 2

Friday 26th May 2023
I can’t believe it's half term already…this term has flown by!
In English this week we have researched and written reports about birds and in maths we have been practising representing and estimating numbers along with reading measurements.
In science, we carried out an experiment to explore how the height of the marble run impacted how far the marble travelled applying our measuring skills from maths and in geography we have been exploring why people might buy local food.
In PE this week we have been very lucky to have some students from Brockenhurst College teaching us with Penguins getting to try out lots of new activities and learn new skills too. We also went on a litter pick around Brockenhurst which the children absolutely loved. They are very good at spotting litter and also know why we shouldn't drop it.
Penguins well done for working super hard as always this half term, have a fantastic break and enjoy all the adventures you get up to…I can’t wait to hear all about them!
Miss Michael :)