Year 2
Friday 23rd June 2023
It has been a very exciting week in Penguin class!
On Monday we had a science workshop where the children were exploring insulators. They did this by heating an ice cube under different materials and measuring how much it had melted.
Yesterday we went on our whole school walk to Whitemoor. Penguins were very observant on the walk spotting lots of different features in their surroundings. They were also superstars with their walking despite the heat!
And today we have been extremely lucky as the fire service have come in to do a fire safety talk for the children. During this session they learnt what to do if there is a fire, how to prevent a fire from happening and the importance of knowing their address.
Aside from the above we have written our own instructions in English, started exploring a beautiful book in guided reading called Leaf (Penguins love the pictures) and in maths we have been developing our fraction knowledge.
Thank you for sending in lots of recycling - we will be making our Explorer vehicles in a few weeks time so if you have any more recycling at home especially boxes please could you send it our way. Thank you!
Well done on another brilliant week Penguins and for not making a fuss about the heat - you are superstars!
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday!
Miss Michael :)