Year 2
Friday 8th September 2023
We hope you all had a fantastic summer holiday and welcome back to school!
The children have returned enthusiastic to learn with them working super hard all week and settling into Year 2 very speedily. They have got used to the new classroom, new (and old!) adults and are picking up new routines too - an amazing start to the new year ! We are very proud of them all!
As well as spending time settling into Year 2, we have started our first English unit of the year based on the book Blue Penguin. The children have made predictions about what will happen in the story and have also been exploring Blue Penguins feelings throughout the book.
In maths, we have been practising writing our numbers to 100 both in order and out of order and in art we have started our Frozen Planet unit with us practising painting and making colours lighter and darker. In geography, we have been using atlases to increase our knowledge of the continents and we have also squeezed in a few games of fruit salad with the parachute - we think this might be a favourite game in Penguin class this year!
A Few Admin Bits and Bobs:
PE days up until October half term are Tuesday and Friday and then after half term will be Wednesday and Friday. Please could the children's PE kit be in school every day though!
Book change will be a Monday and a Thursday with their first book coming home next Thursday Maths fluency cards will also be coming home next Thursday along with further information about them.
Homework will be set on Mondays and due in the following Monday and will link to areas we have previously learnt about in the class. We will start setting this from Monday 18th September.
Please could we kindly ask that the children do not bring in items for show and tell. Although we love hearing about all their adventures and achievements it can cause bother when items are brought into school.
My email is Feel free to drop me an email if I can help with anything or if it's easier catch me at the end of the day!
And finally, we absolutely love having parent helpers into school to hear the children read and/or practice their maths fluency cards with them so if you were able to spare a little bit of time each week let us know and we would love to have you in!
It has been lovely to meet lots of you at home time this week and we look forward to chatting to more of you all over the coming weeks. Have a lovely weekend, enjoy the sunshine and see you next week!
Year 2 Team :)