Year 2
Friday 13th October 2023
It has been another lovely week in Penguin Class!
In English we have continued to explore the text How to Wash a Woolley Mammoth with the children thinking about instructions for bath time at home too!
In guided reading we have been exploring the fairytale Hansel and Gretal with the children being able to retell this in enormous detail and also being able to answer lots questions about what they have read.
In maths we have bene practicing our number bonds to 10 and 20 (if you get a chance to practise these at home this would be amazing - thank you very much!)
We have also completed another Chance to Shine cricket session (Penguins are really enjoying these sessions) and this afternoon we are going to explore animal habitats.
Thank you very much to everyone who has returned their child's SeaCity permission slip. If you haven’t had a chance to do this yet please could I ask for it back as soon as possible - thank you!
Have a brilliant weekend and we will see you next week (Penguins can’t believe it’s nearly half term!).
Year 2 Team :)