Year 2

Thursday 22nd February 2024
We hope you all had a brilliant half term break and welcome back to school!
We are having a lovely week in Penguin class! In English we have planned, written and edited our own stories based on Lila and the Secret of Rain and in maths we have started learning about division through grouping and sharing.
Group 1 have completed their last forest school session (they have loved their sessions!) and whilst they were doing this group 2 finished their African art unit by painting sunsets and cutting out silhouette animals to add to these (they look amazing!). Next week group 2 will start forest school; if your child is in group 2 and has not yet brought in their outdoor gear please could this come into school on Monday - thank you!
This week we have sent home a maths fluency card and information sheets on these (it is in their reading folder) - please could you practice these at home with you child. Let me know if you have any questions and thank you for your support with all their home learning.
Have a lovely rest of the week!
Year 2 Team :)