Year 2
Friday 19th April 2024
We hope you all had a fantastic Easter break and welcome back to school!
In English this week we have started exploring The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch thinking about what things we would like in our favourite lunch and how Mr Grinling feels about his lunch being stolen by the pesky seagulls along with likes, dislikes, puzzles and patterns from the story.
In maths we have been comparing lengths and problem solving too. In geography we have started our unit on where our food comes from exploring what cows need to produce good quality milk. In PE we have started our athletics unit and in PSHE we have started our new unit relationships by exploring different types of families.
This week a letter about our trip to Longdown Dairy Farm has gone home. Thank you very much to everyone who has retuned this already. Please could any outstanding ones be dropped in next week? Thank you!
Also for our Longdown trip we need some parent helpers, however, due to the number of seats on the minibus we would need to meet you at Longdown. If you are able to help please could you let us know - thank you!
Well done on a brilliant start to the summer term Penguins! We are very proud of all you! Have a lovely weekend and we will see you next week.
Year 2 Team :)