Year 2

We have had a lovely week in Year 2 settling down to our routines.
In English, we are reading ‘Blue Penguin’ a beautiful book about a little penguin who is different to the other penguins. We have been using ‘ed’ for past tense words – jumped, played, filled.
We also looked at where penguins live in our Geography lesson and we have started to learn about Antarctica.
In maths, we are partitioning numbers into tens and ones, 52 has 5 tens and two ones.
For science, we have sorted materials by their properties and what they are made of and we will be thinking about why we choose certain materials for certain jobs.
Finally, today we found a box with a fox inside called Bramble who needs some friends to look after her!
Homework has been set on Edshed and Little Wandle books will be set next week when we send out the new logins.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend!
The Year 2 Team