Year 2

We have had a busy week this week. Thank you for your donations for the Harvest Festival. We had a lovely service at the Church singing our favourite Harvest songs.
The children also led our worship on Thursday. It was about being caring and the little things you can do to care for people, the environment and yourself. The children read a poem called 'Little Things' by Margaret Lindsey:
The little things are most worthwhile, A quiet word, a look, a smile, A listening ear that’s quick to share Another’s thoughts, another’s care… Though sometimes they may seem quite small, These little things mean most of all.
In maths, we have been revising number bonds to 10 and creating 'fact families' - using 3 different numbers to create addition and subtraction number sentences.
For English, we have started a new book called 'How to Wash a Woolley Mammoth' by Michelle Robinson and Kate Hindley. We are focussing on giving instructions using words such as get, take, put, fill.
In Art, we finished our silhouette pictures and they look fantastic!
We are still having technical issues with Collins Books and hope to have this resolved soon.
Have a great weekend,
The Year 1 Team