Year 2
Year 2 - 28.09.18
We have had a good week in year 2. Whilst the weather is definitely a bit chilly in the mornings, we have been able to enjoy the beautiful Autumn sunshine in the afternoons. Please can all children have a jumper or cardigan in school for those cooler mornings.
This week in maths we have continued looking at addition and have been adding 2 digit numbers and tens. We have used dienes, place value pins, number lines and pictures to help us solve a variety of questions. I have been particularly impressed by the children’s reasoning and problem solving skills. Whilst we are still developing these, the children really worked hard to apply what they knew about addition and use their mathematical knowledge to help them problem solve.
In English we have been writing our own versions of ‘The Tear Thief’. We have changed the characters, setting and ending. The class have spent time talking about their ideas, planning their stories and ensuing they are thinking about the different words they want to include. For example, adjectives and adverbs. We will write our stories next week.
We have finished the week with a very active day! The children were outside for the first hour where we took part in the maths Olympics. Each house team was split into 2 groups and mixed with children from year 1. Each team had to answer a variety of maths related questions and then run to the answer area to have their answers checked. I was very proud of all children for their determination and enthusiasm, as well as their supportiveness to other team members! We have also taken part in a P.E session in the hall. Please note rather than a longer session on Thursday, P.E will now take place for shorter sessions on Thursday and Friday. Please ensure each child has their P.E kit in school every day.
You all should have received a letter about our trip to Marwell Zoo on 16th October – we are very much looking forward to it! Please can you complete and return your forms to reception so we can make sure lunches are ordered where needed. Thank you for all of your support in year 2 - we now have enough adult helpers for the Marwell trip. If you have any queries at all, please let me know.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Blick