Year 2

Year 2 - 02.11.2018
Welcome back! I hope you all had a wonderful half term.
This week in year 2 we have completed our writing about animals. The conclusion has been a fact file about our favourite animals. We have collected information and then written our fact files carefully under different headings. The children chose a range of animals such as flamingos, cheetahs, giraffes, elephants and crocodiles.
In maths we have finished looking at shape (for now) and moved on to money. One focus has been making an amount of money suing different coins. For example 50p could be, 10p + 10p +10p +10p +10p or 20p + 20p +10p. We will revisit money again but for now it would be brilliant if you could support your child at home with their developing understanding of money. This could be by making different totals, playing shops, collecting coins and working how much you have altogether etc. Any support would be much appreciated.
This week we have started looking at our nativity. The children have been practising the songs and all children in year 2 will have a speaking part. Children will be made aware of their part next week and we will send home their lines for them to learn. It is a very exciting time of year!
Information for next week
This week we have been thinking about remembrance and the significance of the poppy. We will be creating our own poppy pebbles on Monday and on Thursday will be going on a local walk to the war memorial in Brockenhurst and placing some stones down along the way. We currently need 2 volunteers to assist with the walk. If you have DBS clearance and would like to help us next Thursday 8th November between 9am and 10am, please let me know.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Miss Blick