Year 2 - 16.11.18

Year 2 - 16.11.18
This week in maths we have finished comparing and ordering numbers by placing different numbers on an empty number line. We made a human number line and each child was given a different number and they had to get in order. We have moved onto multiplication for the end of the week - specifically focussing on the 2 and 10 x tables. You can help at home by practising these or making equal groups of 2's or 10's using objects around the house.
In English we have been looking at the different classes of passengers who went on the Titanic. We have researched the different facilities and explored how different passengers would spend the day on the Titanic. We have finished by writing as if we were a passenger - using all the information we had learnt so far.
It was great to see everyone dressed so brightly today with lots of spots! Thank you very much for your generous donations - they are much appreciated and are for a great cause.
Apologies for sending the home learning out a little late this week. If you are unable to complete it by Tuesday please don't worry! As long as it is done by the end of next week, that will be fine.
Please keep an eye out for a letter next week regarding nativity costumes.
Have a great weekend.
Miss Blick.