Year 3
Spring 2 Week 2
Turtle Class have been loving our new text - The Iron Man - and we're still only half way through chapter 2. The children have enjoyed some exciting drama opportunities and the book has certainly inspired them to produce some excellent writing.
In Maths we were drawing and analysing bar charts and have now moved onto ordering and comparing numbers up to 1000 and beyond.
Our topic for this half term is Plants and Flowers. We planted some tiny geranium seedlings last week which the children will care for. We hope to have an abundance of flowers come the Summer. The homework for the half term is related to this topic too.
The children are all looking forward to our visit to the SeaCity Museum on Monday 18th March. I have attached a copy of the letter below, in case any didn't make it home. Please return the reply slip to the office as soon as possible.