Year 3

Summer 2 Week 1
This half term we will be learning about The New Forest National Park. We started by thinking about all the good points (and bad points) of living in the forest. We've had a go at debating too. Our trip yesterday helped us find out loads more about where we live. We had a great day out at the show ground. The day is organised just for schools in The New Forest to give children an insight into the unique area they live in. The children were beautifully behaved throughout the day and had lots of fun too. We were in different groups and there was so much to see. Highlights were the tractors, the animals, any stand where food tasting was involved and the Exon Mobil man with his dancing flames!
In Maths we have been focussing on multiplication, beginning to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. We have been using a number of different methods, including the grid method.
A Year 3 expectation for Maths is to know the 3, 4 and 8 times tables off by heart. With this in mind we will be recapping these table over the next few weeks. Our focus next week will be the 3x table.
I will not be setting any spellings for the rest of the year. In class we are revisiting all the words and word groups we have learnt across the year.
Have a good weekend,