Year 3

Summer 2 Week 2
This week the children have researched and written their own promotional leaflets for The New Forest. The children have been so enthusiastic about this work and they have managed to produce some amazing work - they are very proud of their achievements.
In Maths we have been focussing on division, but have also had a 3 x table week. We had a quick fire test each day and I was very impressed that the children were able to improve on their scores day by day and lots managed to get 10 out of 10. Next week onto the 4s.
We managed to finally get out this afternoon for some PE, it's been such a wet week. We had some racing practise in readiness for Sports Day. We have also started practising our songs for the KS2 production. I will let you know early next week what the children will need for a costume. (Don't worry - it will only be a coloured t-shirt.)
For Golden Time the children had a great time trying out origami - a big thank you to our class origami expert Harry, who helped me choose some simple designs to have a go at.
Let's hope we get a bit of sunshine for the weekend.