Year 3 Blog 06.11.20
For next Wednesday ...
Could all children bring in plastic rubbish that has been washed. The plastic rubbish must be cuttable using the school scissors and not too sharp once it has been cut. Could they also bring plastic that can be wrapped, so that we can wrap it around a thick tube. All will become clearer next week.
This week
We have been writing our first drafts of our wolf leaflets. The aim was to convince Europeans that wolves should be given a place to stay in Europe.
In Maths we have continued with money. If you get a change to practice and play with coins, this would be useful as coins are becoming used less.
Our Geography topic is Sustainability for this half term. Students should develop an idea about what we can do to make our environment better and what the problems are.
For PE we are working on gymnastics and bench ball. The skills we are focussing on are challenging yourself understanding where we are with our learning.