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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3 - 16th September 22 Blog

What a fantastic second week in Year 3, all the children continue to show great independence, resilience and perseverance in their learning. 

In Literacy this week we have been learning  and using conjunctions and fronted adverbials in our writing. We were excited to imagine we were the boy from 'Stone Age Boy' and applied our knowledge when writing a postcard about his experiences.  

We have continued to be marvellous mathematicians, demonstrating our place value and partitioning numbers to a thousand. We have been using the dienes and place value cards to show our knowledge. We continue to apply our skills through problem-solving. 

This week we were also very excited to start our 'Chance to Shine' cricket lessons, learning, practising and improving our ball skills. Another exciting highlight of this week, our music sessions with Mr Thomas started again which everyone thoroughly enjoyed. 

Important information; 

Our P.E days are Tuesdays and Fridays. 

Book change day is Thursdays, please ensure your child has their book with them daily. 

Forest Wednesdays with Mrs Jones, please ensure your child has welly boots and wet weather clothes (trousers and coats-all named) so they can enjoy all weathers and be immured into the wonders of Forest Fun! 

Spellings will be set on Mondays, we will practise these throughout the week. 

Finally, across the school we have been talking about our favourite books, experiences when visiting the local library and the importance of reading for pleasure.  We would like to make a fun display with the children's photos. Therefore, please can you take a photo of your child reading their favourite book in an unusual place, this could be in a tree, under a table or just snuggled up on the sofa!  Please either send it in with your child or email them and I will print. We look forward to sharing these in class. 

As always if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us on;              or    

Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday. 

Year 3 Team :-)