Year 3 Blog - Friday 6th October

Another super week in year 3, the children have all worked really hard. During our school and class worships we have been talking about the changes around the seasons, Autumn. We have been discussing those changes relevant to the beautiful New Forest, including pannage and rutting season. The children have loved sharing their favourite things about this season including pumpkin picking, conker collecting and looking after hedgehogs in their garden.
In English, we started to explore our new text driver ‘The Tin Forest’, the children have worked well in groups to develop a rich bank of vocabulary in readiness for our ‘big’ write later on in this programme of study.
In our guided reading sessions, we have been building our confidence and fluency when reading aloud. We have been exploring different poems by Julia Donaldson. You may like to further this learning by exploring other texts she has written.
In Maths, we have been adding and subtracting three digit numbers using money and revisiting our number bond knowledge from year 2 to ensure we have a good foundation in which to build our mathematical learning.
We are all really looking forward to our trip next Tuesday to New Park, to build on our Forest School learning and science knowledge. A little reminder please ensure children come dressed appropriately as per the trip letter, especially if the weather is wet.
We are so thrilled to see so many children making links in their learning at school and with their homework. Please continue to practise spelling, maths/timetables, phonics and reading. Little and often will really support your child.
*Book change is on a Thursday, please ensure your child reads at home and note it in their reading diary, so we know to change their book. Children will be given one book at their reading level, in which they are expected to reread to build on fluency, comprehension and inferencing skills. If your children would like an extra challenge please encourage them to write a book review about the book they are reading, to share with the class. See attached.
*Homework is set on Edshed/TT rockstars every Thursday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. This will include spelling, maths and phonics games.
As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on: and To help us ensure there is consistency please contact both Emma and I.
We look forward to seeing you next week, have a great weekend.
Year 3 Team