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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 3 Blog 18.11.22

A super week in year 3, the children continue to amaze me. 

This week we have been discussing different themes in our focus book in Guided Reading  ‘The Barnabus Project’, we discussed how fiction books had different genres and themes. The themes might be hidden throughout the story. We have also been learning what and how to write in paragraphs when writing a persuasive letter from Duncan to the crayons. Persuading them to work for Duncan again. 

In Maths, we have continued our multiplication and division unit, practising 3 and 4 timetables. Well done to all the children who have been practising their timetables at home, this has really helped in class. We played ‘hit the button’ which can be found and learnt a song about our 3 times tables The homework set for this week, should support this learning. We have been using our timetable knowledge to solve problems, using different representations to demonstrate our understanding.   

During our Art lessons this week, we have been learning about an illustrator (artist) called Kerry Hyndman who illustrated the book ‘Coming Home’. The children have loved learning facts about Kerry and creating their own monoprinting using different techniques in the style of her work. As the children have created their art, they have explored, experimented and evaluated the techniques they have used. Please see attached some of their master pieces, also featured on our Instagram page (brockenhurstceprimary)

In worship this week we have been talking about the importance of keeping safe on the roads and ensuring we stop-look- listen and look both ways. 

Weekly Reminders… 

Library Visit - Tuesdays

P.E. Days - Tuesdays and Fridays

Forest School -Wednesdays

Book Change - Thursdays

We aim to read with each child throughout the week, therefore it is really important children have both their reading book and diary with them daily. When reading at home, please make a note in their diary, thank you. J

As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on: and To help us ensure there is consistency please contact both Emma and I.  

Have a super weekend 

Year 3 Team