Year 3 Blog - 15.12.22

Wow, we made it! What a great first term we have had in year 3. We have had a great week with lots of festive fun, from creating our own decorations, to Christmas pictures and making gingerbread
We hope you enjoyed the carol service on Thursday, all the children sang beautifully.
In English this week, we completed our learning journey with writing a setting description, we enjoyed watching the ‘coming home’ John Lewis Christmas advert to help inspire us and linked all our learning together from the last few weeks. Here is the link if the children want to show you and talk about their learning.
In Maths, we have been identifying 2D and 3D shapes, talking about their properties and using mathematical vocabulary to describe. This includes; vertices, angles, face, side, parallel. To further this learning at home the children may like to do a shape hunt around their home to find everyday objects, name and record the shape’s properties.
It is so wonderful to see so many children reading at home, little and often is so important. Please try to keep this up over the Christmas holidays, it might be nice to read to another member of the family! It is so important to encourage and foster a love of reading so reading a range of books/magazines/comics is really important but for fluency and progression in reading skills children must read their school book. When reading at home, please make a note in their diary, thank you. As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on: and To help us ensure there is consistency please contact both Emma and I.
Finally we would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you for the lovely cards and generous gifts we have received. We would like to wish everyone a very happy, healthy and safe Christmas and look forward to welcoming you back in the New Year.
Christmas wishes
Year 3 Team