Year 3 Blog - 11.5.23

A super week in year 3, with lots of enthusiasm and energy in our learning.
In English, we started our new text (film) driver ‘Ruckus’, we have enjoyed unpicking the meaning, making predictions and sharing likes, dislikes and patterns we noticed. The children have been very excited about finding out more.
In Guided Reading, we have continued to explore the text; ‘The Iron Man’, we have been building fluency in our reading, practising in partners and reading aloud in class. We have stressed the importance of reading at home to grow in confidence.
In Maths, we have been learning multiplication, making links between numbers for example; 2x3 =, 20x3= explaining we multiply by ten. We have also been learning how to multiply using column (long) multiplication, using the place value table to help us partition numbers.
In Art, we explored mixing primary colours using powder paint to creating our own secondary colours. Then the children created names for their new colours. The children were fully engaged in their learning, they made some great colours and came up with some fantastic names. (see attached)
In R.E, we have been learning the story of the ‘Pentecost’ and what this means to Christians. We have been looking at different pieces of art work to represent Pentecost and explained our thinking.
Homework this week
- Reading your school book (record in reading diary)
- Spelling (Edshed)
- Maths – column (long) multiplication (see attached)
Optional extra challenges;
- Finish reading Iron Man, this can be shared reading (see attached)
- Timestable Rockstars (x3, x4, x8) and/ or Hit the button
A big plea please we are hoping to make some models in art next week, if you have any cardboard boxes (different sizes), yoghurt pots, cardboard tubes, plastic bottles, plastic bottle tops or any other junk modelling materials please send them in (Due to allergies please be aware that we cannot except anything that has contained nuts)
As always if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact us on: and To help us ensure there is consistency please contact both Emma and I.
Have a super weekend
Year 3 Team