Year 3

Friday Blog - Friday 15th September
Good afternoon everyone,
Our topic this half term is The Stone Age and we will be covering aspects of this across the curriculum. In English we have been reading the book Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. The children have loved it and it inspired them to write some fantastic postcards from the Stone Age, which we have edited and published this week. We will be learning more about the Stone Age in history and in art.
In Maths we have been working on place value, moving from 2 digit to 3 digit numbers. I have introduced a new game too, called Knockdown Number. It is a great way for the children to practise their times tables and the children love showing me their competitive spirit.
The children are getting used to being in Year 3. Their tummies all think it is lunch time at midday and they are missing afternoon play (although we did have a sneaky play on the field this afternoon!) They are working hard as a group to support each other to be doing the right thing and they love receiving dojo and house points. Well done to all Year 3!
Please remember that if your child is doing Forest School this half term (they know who they are!) they will need appropriate clothing and footwear for Thursday afternoon. The forecast for next week is wet, so wellies and waterproofs will be needed.
Most children in school are wearing appropriate footwear, however a minority of pupils are wearing trainers or labelled footwear. Please could we ask that you address this as quickly as possible. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs Morris