Year 3

Friday Blog - Friday 17th November
Good afternoon everyone,
Thank goodness the rain stopped today! It was lovely to be out for the daily mile this afternoon. We have tried to get out most days and we do all try to stay on the track, but it is a little muddy around the field - I apologise if the children have had muddy shoes!
We are learning about the Jewish festival of Hannukah in RE this half-term and have also been learning some poems about Hannukah that the children have performed together. If you ask your child, they might be able to remember it and perform it fo you.
I have created a gallery of the children's artwork that we created on our gallery visit. The children loved seeing it on the big screen earlier. Do have a look through, they are all amazing.
I'm sorry that Group 2 haven't managed to have a Forest School session yet, due to a number of issues, but we will definitely get them out there next week. We will also make sure they catch up the weeks they have missed before the end of term.
Have a lovely weekend,