Year 3

Friday Blog - Friday 26th January
Another busy week for Year 3!
In English we started a fantastic new book call The Promise by Nicola Davies. We made predictions about the text and have looked at the main points of the story.
In Maths we have been multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, using written methods. This blew all our brains at the start of the week, but the children have dug deep and used their resilience to keep trying. We were all feeling more confident by the end of the week. We keep practising our times tables too. If your child has a few spare minutes over the weekend, log them onto Times Table Rockstars.
We had another great week at swimming, they are definitely getting quicker and more organised at getting changed. Nobody has lost their pants -yet!
The highlight of our week was definitely the pantomime. Yesterday we all walked to the village hall to enjoy a production of Cinderella. There was lots of audience participation, with lots of 'he's behind you' and 'oh no we're not'! It was great fun for everybody.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend,