Year 3

Friday Blog - Friday 12th July
Good afternoon Everyone,
WOW! What a week it has been. The children were so excited to perform at the village hall in our production of The Wizard of Oz. I hope you all enjoyed the show. We were so proud of all the children - they are already looking forward to next year!
The rest of the week has mainly involved marshmallows. We used them in maths to create 3D shapes and we have toasted them over the fire today in our last forest school session of the year.
We are also in the middle of our DT project, making a gift box. This has used the ideas from maths about making 3D shapes and applying this to help us design our product. We are looking forward to making next week.
We have also started making our 3D bees from newspaper. If anyone has any colourful magazines or old catalogues, they would be very useful to us.
Have a great weekend and Come On ENGLAND!!!! Let's hope we're all smiling on Monday,