Year 3

Friday Blog - Friday 20th September
Good afternoon everyone,
We've had another lovely week in Roe Deer Class and have made the most of the sunshine (although Mr Groves keeps popping in to tell me it's going to rain very soon!)
In History, we were looking at being a Hunter Gatherer during the Mesolithic Age (Middle Stone Age). We had great fun working out if we could survive outside. We looked for food, water, shelter and things to help us make tools and fire. We thought about the threats that these people faced, but luckily didn't encounter a sabre-toothed cat on the field!
In English, we have planned our own interviews for our chosen Stone Age Beast which we will finish writing and hopefully publish to make a class book next week. Watch this space!
Your child should have come home today with a multiplication fluency card and a parent leaflet for you. Our aim is to support the children to know all times tables off by heart by the end of Year 4. This will support their work in maths as they continue through Primary and into Secondary education. Please help your child to practise their card, particularly out of order. When they are secure at that times table, we will move them to the next card. Many thanks for your support with this.
Have a lovely weekend,