Year 3

Friday Blog - Friday 25th October
Good afternoon Everyone,
We have finally reached half-term after what has seemed to be one of the longest half-terms ever! Apart from a few coughs and colds, we have all survived! I am so pleased at how well the children have settled into the routines and challenges of Year 3. It was lovely to be able to share their successes with so many of you at Parents' Evening this week. If I didn't manage to see you, we will catch up in the new half-term.
The children all went on a very exciting adventure on Wednesday afternoon, without me! They had a great time in the mud at New Park, planting trees and taking part in some tree activities. They all came back full of enthusiasm for the afternoon.
Your child should have come home with their photograph proof today, which includes details of how to order. Just a reminder as well that the children swap now for forest and it will be group B who are outside next.
Whatever you are getting up to, have a fantastic half-term. Fingers crossed for sunshine!