Year 3

Friday Blog - Friday 17th January
Good afternoon everyone,
Can I firstly say a huge well done to all the children. They were fabulously behaved on Tuesday for our first swimming lesson. They were all assessed by the instructors at the pool and then had some time in their groups. There was lots of singing on the way there and back, with Mr Littlewood and myself both convinced that we had the nosiest minibus! There are always a few nerves in the first week, but I was so proud of the children and how they bravely coped.
We have music this half-term, with Mr Thomas. The children always love this, too. Due to timings, it does mean that the children are not able to go to the tuck shop on Tuesdays (swimming) and Wednesdays (music).
Our work on Mousehole continues. The children have written some amazing storm descriptions, which we published and illustrated. They are displayed outside the classroom and have had lots of compliments already. The children worked very hard to produce their best work. we continue to monitor the Mousehole webcam - it's been a calm week in Mousehole, but I've just checked the weather and things might get a bit stormy at the end of next week. We'll be watching to see how big the waves get!
In science, we carried out an investigation to find out how much water would need to be added to flour to turn it into a liquid. I apologise if any of the children have come home a little floury!
Have a lovely weekend,