Yr 4 - 3rd May 2019
Dear Parents
The children have had a great week finished off with a fantastic time den building during golden time this afternoon.
We are off to Hooke Court on Tuesday and just to confirm a few things that parents have asked:
1. Please bring your child in to the hall via the front of the building in order that you can drop of suitcases and your child. Mrs Pritchard will take off you and log the details of any medication that your child needs to take with them.
2. The weather looks like it could be wet on Wednesday so please can you ensure that your child has waterproofs and warm clothes as we will be outside whatever the weather.
3. As we are going straight to Hooke Court the children can wear home clothes but please sensible shoes and warm clothes.
4. For the first day please can you send your child in with a packed lunch (in a disposable bag) and with a refillable water bottle in a day pack with their waterproofs.
Enjoy your weekend and look forward to seeing you on Tuesday.
Kind regards
Mrs Hudson