Year 4
News of the week - 18/10/19
In maths this week, we have continued our topic of addition and subtraction. This has become more and more challenging, particularly when the children are having to carry or exchange digits when there are too many or not enough. We have worked really hard to build our confidence in our strategies and the children have done extremely well. We will revisit this again later in the year.
In English, we have been publishing our Quest stories to form a class book. The children have really enjoyed doing this and have shown real pride in their work.
This week Mrs Lindsey introduced new Reading Logs to the children in assembly. There are examples of recommended texts across a range of genres for the children to read. The challenge is for the children to read a wide variety of genres. From now on, we will be going to the library once a week as a class to change our books to ensure that we are reading a wide range of books.
Homework went live on Wednesday. Please encourage your child to complete this by next week. There is an option for children to complete their homework during their lunch break on a Friday in the Y5 classroom which some people have done today.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend!
P.S. Challenge your children to show off some of the words and phrases that they have been learning in French!