Year 4
News of the week - 8/11/19
We have had a great first week back at school.
In maths, we have started to explore multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100 and the children have been working really hard. We have also been doing lots of practising of times tables - this week we have been recapping the 8x table. We have used a song which I will post the link to as the children have loved it and have found it really useful. We have assessed the children again to see which times tables they need to learn. Please encourage them to practise these on Times Table Rockstars and we will be practising regularly in school.
We have started our new History and Geography topic this week all about the Anglo Saxons and Vikings. Our English has been linked to this. We have written poems based on the story of Beowulf and we have explored a non-fiction text about the famous landmark - Sutton Hoo.
You should have received a letter about a school trip that is planned to go to Butser Ancient Farm. Please can you check your child's bag if you have not yet seen this and ensure that it is returned by next Friday - 15/11/19.
Mathletics and Spelling Shed homework are uploaded. Please encourage your child to complete these before Wednesday.
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Martin :)
8 x table song -