Year 4
News of the week - 21/1/20
In maths this week, we have been working on multiplication. Please encourage your child to complete their mathletics homework as this will really support them with the work we have been doing. Please also encourage them to use a pen and paper to do their working out for the multiplication questions.
Mr Redman has requested that the children bring in 2 litre plastic bottles for their Geography lesson next week. If you have any at home, please could you send them in with your child.
We have our Brockenhurst Danceathon coming up on Monday 10th Feb. The children in Y4 have been working extremely hard on their Natural Disasters dance. They have decided that they would like to wear specific coloured t-shirts for their pieces. They should know which colour they are wearing. If possible, could they have their t-shirt for the dance in school by next Friday (7th).
Science week is coming up - Week commencing Monday 9th March. If you have any budding scientists in the family or know of any scientists that would be willing to share their knowledge and do an activity with the children, please let me know.
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Martin