Year 4

News of the week - 28/2/20
We have had a great week back to kick off the half term!
We have started reading some exciting books as part of our English topic. We have explored a brilliant picture book called 'Flood' (very appropriate for this weather!) and have already produced some fantastic pieces of writing from this. We are reading 'The Secret Lake' for our class book and the children are really enjoying it already.
In maths, we have carried on with our work on fractions, looking at mixed number fractions and improper fractions. The children have worked really hard and have done some great reasoning and problem solving around this.
Some children have already told me how excited they are about World Book Day which is next Thursday. We are also all very excited about our new lockers arriving next week. We will have PE on Monday so please make sure all PE kits are in.
Homework has been set. For maths this week, the children have been set two different times table pieces to encourage them to continue to practise these.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend - hopefully the weather improves!
Miss Martin