Year 4
News of the week - 13/3/20
Maths - We have been recapping on our learning of 'time' this week. We have been converting between analogue and 24 hour digital clocks as well as solving problems and reasoning tasks based on time. Please continue to help your child with telling the time at home by asking them questions about this.
English - We have finished our book study of 'Flood' this week with some fantastic writing! The children have been writing their own versions of the story to go with the picture book. They've been thinking really carefully about who their audience are and how to engage them in their writing.
Sport Relief - We have had a fantastic day for Sport Relief today. Everyone looked great in their sporty outfits. We took part in an hour of silence to consider how to be mindful and we had an afternoon of sporty activities run by the Year 6s.
Homework - Spelling Shed and Mathletics have been updated. Please encourage your child to also spend some time on Times Table Rock Stars to help them to become more fluent. We are practising these every day in class too.
I hope you all enjoy your weekend.
Miss Martin