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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 4 Home Learning

Daily Update - 11/5/20


I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend. Please see the timetable and resources for Monday 11th May. We are into our sixth week of home learning now and I'm sure that the children are all working hard, but if you have any questions or need any help or advice, please do not hesitate to contact me. 


Miss Martin 


Time allocated


Times Tables

15 minutes


Mental Maths

15 minutes

  • Please see attached the mental maths questions. The PowerPoint includes questions for the entire week. Please choose two 5 second questions and 2 10 second questions each day. The answers are on the last two slides so that you can mark your answers.

Main Maths Lesson

30 minutes

  • LO I can round decimal numbers.
  • For Maths this week, we will be using the White Rose resources again which can be found at this website:

  • We will be starting with Summer 1 Week 2: Lesson :1: Round decimals
  •  There is a video, worksheet and answers to go with each lesson. The video will teach the children the skills they require to answer the questions. They should answer the questions in their home learning books.
  • I will also attach the questions and answers to the blog as well.


15 minutes

  • Quiet reading your own book.


15 minutes

  • Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed.


30 minutes

  • LO I can research a historical person.
  • For our English this week, you are going to choose one person who was significant in history who you find interesting.
  • It could be someone linking to Ancient Egypt, or it could be someone from a different historical period.
  • Today, you need to research that person and take some notes, recording as much about their life as possible as you are going to do a number of pieces of writing about them throughout the week.
  • You can present your notes about the person in whichever way you like, e.g. a mindmap, bullet points or a table.
  • Key characters you might like to research include the names below. If you click on their names you should be able to open a hyperlink with information about the person:

Browse more articles about key historical figures here



1 hour