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Brockenhurst C of E Primary School
& Pre-School

We Enjoy and Excel in the Presence of God

Year 4 Home Learning

Daily Update - 15/5/20

Hello everyone,

Please find attached the timetable and resources for Friday 15th May. Please note that today's English and Maths tasks are both set online so that I can have a look at the work that the children are producing. 

Have a lovely weekend. 

Miss Martin 


Time allocated


Times Tables

15 minutes


Mental Maths

15 minutes

  • Please see attached the mental maths questions. The PowerPoint includes questions for the entire week. Please choose two 5 second questions and 2 10 second questions each day. The answers are on the last two slides so that you can mark your answers.

Main Maths Lesson

30 minutes

  • LO I can problem solve with money
  • Please complete the Problem Solving that I have set on mathletics. Complete the Problem Solving task on the orange 'Explore' tab on mathletics. You might need to draw a bar model or some paper to record your workings. You might also need to use trial and error.


15 minutes

  • Quiet reading your own book.


15 minutes

  • Practise your spellings on Spelling Shed.


30 minutes

  • LO I can type up a piece of writing about a historical person
  • Please type this on Google Classroom and hand it in to me.
  • Please hand this in on the assignment that has been set.


1 hour

  • LO I can evaluate my own cooking
  • Having made your Ancient Egyptian food last week, today I would like you to evaluate how it went.
  • You could write yourself some questions and answer them yourself and you could also get your family to answer them too.
  • I attach a template which should help you with this.