Garden Olympics - Day 3

Garden Olympics) - Day 3
What you do:
Mark out 10 metres, roll a ball, chase it, get in front of it and let it roll through your legs as many times as you can before it reaches the 10-metre marker. You must collect the ball before it goes past the marker to achieve a score.
In a pair or in a group:
Take turns to let the ball roll through each player’s legs and count the cumulative number.
How you score:
Count how many times you can make the ball roll through your legs within 10 metres.
Personal best: Try to better your score on the second attempt.
Roller Ball
What you do:
Working in a pair, grab your mum/dad/sister/brother (probably not an animal) hold hands or forearms at arm’s length and see how many times you can successfully roll the ball up and down to each other. As one player stands up, the other sits down.
As an individual:
Use wall bars as a partner and count number of successful rolls.
In a group:
Line up behind a start line with the first 2 players face to face and holding the ball. Roll the ball and then let go for the second in line to turn and join with the third in line to roll. Keep going around the group until the whole group has crossed a finishing line. Time how quickly you can finish.
How you score:
Count the number of successful roles in a set time.
Personal Best: Try to better your score on the second attempt.