Year 4 Weekly Blog Post

Good afternoon,
We have had another great week in Year 4.
We have continued to work hard on our maths, focusing on rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1,000. We have had some tricky problem solving and reasoning tasks to complete linked to our learning, and have spent lots of time on our mental maths, revisiting learning from year 3 as well as coming up with quick strategies linked to the year 4 curriculum. Please encourage your child to complete the maths homework which is linked to our rounding topic.
In English this week, we completed our story linked to the book 'Journey' as well as writing a class poem and individual poems as part of National Poetry day. I have attached our class poem that we wrote for your children to share with you.
We are working really hard on developing more independence in the class, by encouraging the children to solve problems or speak to an adult when necessary. The children should also be bringing their reading records home and completing their weekly homework, to develop their independence further.
We hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Year 4 Team
Miss Martin, Mrs Pritchard and Mrs Lansdowne