Year 4 Weekly Blog
Hello everyone,
It has been such a lovely week welcoming all of the children back to school. The children are settling back in to the classroom routines and have all really enjoyed seeing their friends.
We have enjoyed carrying on with our English unit on the book 'Flood' which we are very nearly finished now! The children have written some great stories to put words to the pictures. We will be moving on to our new book next week called 'Anglo Saxon Boy'.
In Maths, we have been recapping some of our addition and subtraction strategies during mental maths as well as playing some maths game which the children have loved! We have also been recapping a range of multiplication tables in our maths lessons.
Please can I ask that you remind your child to bring in a full PE kit if they have not already done so. We do PE on Wednesdays and Fridays, but it needs to be in every day just in case we have to change our days.
The children have all brought their reading books home. If they could spend some time reading over the weekend, as well as practising spellings and times tables, this will really help to support them in school.
We hope you all have a lovely weekend.
The Year 4 Team