Year 4
Year 4 - 17.09.2021
Hello all
We have had a great week here in year 4.
All children have come home with a reading book and it was great to hear how many had already started reading it at home. In maths we have continued to work on our place value understanding by finding 10, 100 and 1000 more and less than a given number. We have used resources, pictures and number lines to help us work out the answer.
In English we have written a postcard from the main character telling a friend of his underwater adventures. The class worked really well independently writing and using the resources in the classroom to support them.
Other highlights this week have been observational drawing in art and recapping habitats in science.
Year 4 Home Learning:
Daily Reading – if your child has finished their school reading book we would recommend that they spend some time re-reading to build fluency and discussing the characters and plot.
Times Tables Rock Stars – set every Monday
Spelling Shed – set every Monday
Mathletics – set every Monday
Reading books will be changed on a Wednesday.
I hope you all have a great weekend.
Miss Blick